
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 5/2024
Hu, Y., Lee, Y.-S.K., Lau, T.H.M., Yu, W.S., Tong, M.C.F., Ng, I.H.-Y. & Law, T.: Applying computer-based language test to young children, 411-419
Kaipa, R., McLain, N. & Kaipa, R.M.: Altered auditory feedback improves speech intelligibility in individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study, 420-430
Kara, İ., Mutlu, A.İ. & Miraloğlu, K.: Comparison of participation in online games and communication experiences of school-age children who do and do not stutter: Exploratory study, 431-439
Cardella, A., Ottaviani, F., Luzi, L., Albera, A., Schindler, A. & Mozzanica, F.: Daily speaking time and voice intensity before and after hearing aid rehabilitation in adult patients with hearing loss, 440-448
Tahir, E., Ustaoğlu, M. & Yaşar, Ö.C.: Evaluation of voice in inflammatory bowel diseases, 458-466
Ford, D.S., Hunter, E.J. & Deliyski, D.D.: Immediate effects of semi-occluded vocal tract exercises on acoustic, auditory-perceptual, and self-perceptual measures of voice production, 467-481